## Welcome to the newly-formed Irish chapter of the <font color="#2DC26B">Walter E. Dandy Neurosurgical Society</font> Honoring the legacy of the pioneering neurosurgeon Walter Dandy, this student-run project aims to provide a nationwide hub for medical students who wish to pursue careers in brain, spine, or peripheral nerve surgery. We also welcome students who feel aligned towards related disciplines — like neurology, critical care, orthopaedic / plastic / maxillofacial surgery, interventional radiology, or anaesthesia. ### Via the <font color="#2DC26B">Dandy Ireland</font> platform, students can: - Join an online community and interact with likeminded students; - learn about the process / career path needed to become a neurosurgeon in Ireland; - meet potential mentors and build up professional connections within the Irish healthcare system; - be made aware of ongoing studies / research projects looking to recruit students, contribute to clinical research and become a co-author on scientific publications; - attend local events (e.g. webinars, job-talks, journal clubs, speed-mentoring nights, neurosurgical skills workshops); - learn about and attend international conferences as an Irish representative — allowing the chance to build relationships with students and professionals from around the world, plus exposure to new ideas / techniques, and opportunities to present your research to an international audience. [[subscribe to email list (hidden)|Click here to sign up for our newsletter]] Follow us on social media! [Instagram - @wedns.eire](https://www.instagram.com/wedns.eire?igsh=NXIza29jenFudG5r&utm_source=qr) [LinkedIn - Organization page](https://www.linkedin.com/company/walter-e-dandy-neurosurgical-society-wedns-ireland/)) To add: - Twitter(x) - Facebook # Latest News/Upcoming Events: RSS feed: Showcase recent news, achievements, or upcoming events to keep the content dynamic. Visuals and Testimonials: Use engaging images related to neurosurgery or education, along with testimonials from members to build trust and interest.